Tamanu Oil

Tamanu Oil


Tamanu oil, or foraha is extracted from seeds that grow on a tropical evergreen called Tamanu nut tree. Tamanu oil and other parts of the Tamanu nut tree have been used medicinally for hundreds of years by certain Asian, African, and Pacific Island cultures. Its flowers sprout twice a year producing clusters of spherical fruits which contain nuts  that have several potent benefits. 

The scientific name of the Tamanu plant is Calophyllum inophyllum seed oil which means "beautiful leaf," from the Greek 'kalos' meaning "beautiful" and 'phullon' meaning "leaf." The Tamanu branches are covered with beautiful, shiny, dark green oval leaves. Its foliage is dense and broad so that it is often wider than it is tall. 



Tamanu oil is known to promote the formation of new skin tissue. As it penetrates the skin, it does an amazing job at healing incisions and clearing up scars, helps with wound closure, skin cell growth, and collagen production. All of these can help with wound healing.

Other benefits include:

It contains antioxidants and helps to fight free radical damage which causes the skin to age faster.

It has natural antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that help to protect the skin from diseases like:

  • Acne
  • Eczema
  • Wound infections
  • Fungal infections

It provides sun protection because it seems to absorb UV light within a fairly large spectrum. More studies are however needed.


Other healing properties attributed to Tamanu oil include: treatment of eczema, dry skin, dark spots, wrinkles, blisters, razor bumps, cuts, diaper rash etc as well as having analgesic, deodorizing, anti-itch, and antimicrobial properties.

Even if you don’t have any skin conditions, you can still enjoy the healing wonders of Tamanu oil. This oil helps to nourish all skin types and contains omega fatty acids which moisturizes the skin deeply.


Tamanu oil does have some benefits for your skin, but it’s mostly used as a moisturizer in skin care ingredients. It is however not meant to be a medical treatment for your skin. If you need help with your skin, make sure you talk to your doctor or dermatologist.



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